Press“Ctrl+ Alt and Delete” on the keyboard simultaneously and then click on the Task Manager option to open up Windows Task Manager. In the Task Manager, in the processes tab, look for “Wintab Service (32bit)” and “Tablet Client Driver (32bit)”. If you don’t have “Tablet Client Driver (32bit)” in your Task Manager processes, please follow Step 2. If you don’t have “Wintab Service (32bit)” in your Task Manager processes, please follow Step 3. If you can see both processes n Task Manager please follow Step 4. Open the “File Explorer” on your computer and click on your C:/ drive or your main Windows 10 partition. #Ugee 1910b driver folder location windows 10 Search “wtclient” in the search bar in the top right hand corner and press enter. Select both programs shown, and double click them. A pop-up message: “Do you want to allow this app to make changes to your PC” should appear. Click the “Yes” button and re-open Task Manager. Tablet Client Driver (32bit) should now be running and shown in the Task Manager processes tab. #Ugee 1910b driver folder location driver Open up the Services program by going to“Control Panel>All Control Panel Items> Administrative Tools” and click and run “Services”. Look for “WinTab Service”, then right click the file then click Start. WinTab Service (32bit) should now be running and shown in the Task Manager processes tab. #Ugee 1910b driver folder location windows 10.

#Ugee 1910b driver folder location driver.#Ugee 1910b driver folder location drivers.