New 3d Models (from many Hive resources including the Chronicles of the Second War).H014 - Holy Light Ability description fixed.H013 - Holy Light Ability description fixed.H012 - Holy Light Ability description fixed.H011 - Proper Construction Sound + Holy Light Ability description fixed.H010 - Holy Light Upgrade for Elven Paladins - description fixed.H013 - Redesigned behaviour of the enemy transport ships.H012 - Redesigned behaviour of the enemy transport ships.+ The wall of trees in front of the last crate was removed. H010 - Redesigned behaviour of the enemy transport ships.H008 - The issue with the time warnings (they popped up a bit later) is now fixed.H006 - Your allies do not "revisit" destroyed enemy bases anymore.

+ An announcement pops up, when the Dwarves become yours to command.

H005 - I redesigned behaviour of the enemy transport ships: now the AI rebuilds them immediately and in the proper order.H002 - Player's base has now more space.H004 - Enemy Troll Destroyers will attack you slightly earlier on hard difficulty. ONLY Warcraft III: Reforged works properly.